LeadFox’s affiliate program

The affiliate program

Get a 20% recurring commission for every referred customer and easily generate up to $1,000 per client

by joining Leadfox’s affiliate program!
By becoming a Leadfox affiliate, we will reward you generously for each customer that you refer to us. In fact, we will give you 20% of the full amount of the first sale plus all the following license renewals, in cash (USD).

Join the Program

Advantages of the Leadfox Affiliation Program

Whether you are a marketing guru, a blogger, a gifted strategist, a leader in your industry, an affiliate, or a Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn star, you can easily generate additional revenue by becoming a Leadfox ambassador within your community. All you have to do is promote the benefits SMB's can derive from using our Leadfox marketing automation software, be it through email and advertising campaigns, your blog, Facebook posts and tweets, or your forms. Here is a summary of our program’s financial details:

20% of Leadfox's subscription fees, during 2 years. Find below some examples of our most popular plans!

• Fennec: $49.95 - Win up to $238.80!          
• Arctic: $99.95 - Win up to $479.76!          
• Red: $199.95 - Win up to $959.76!

• Paid monthly
• No registration fees (free)
• Easily managed via our Leadfox affiliate platform

Become an affiliate
LeadFox’s affiliate program
LeadFox’s affiliate program

How the Leadfox affiliate program works

• When you join our platform for free, you will receive a unique code that will be used to track all of your Leadfox affiliate work.

• As soon as we receive a subscription as a result of your efforts, we'll associate it with your account using your unique affiliate link.

• When the customer confirms their registration to one of our Leadfox service plans, you will then be credited for this sale and every plan renewal and will receive 20% of the value of the subscription as a commission!

Become an affiliate

Projected revenue model

Setting the scene:

Frederick is a Leadfox affiliate and recommends Laura to LeadFox. Laura subscribes to the Roux plan at $199.95 USD for the first month.

With this subscription, Frederick will receive 20% of the monthly value of the subscription for the first month, or 39.99 USD.

The second month, and for the following months, Frederick will receive 20% of all of Laura's expenses, which would make an annuity of $39.99 per month, for 2 years.

Become an affiliate
LeadFox’s affiliate program
LeadFox’s affiliate program

What does the Leadfox affiliation program involve?

•  A free, 100% friendly affiliation platform, accessible on all your devices.

• Affiliate service in real-time with a response in under 60 seconds during business hours.

• A set of banners for your blog and your Facebook and Google campaigns:

Become an affiliate

Examples of marketing banners included for free

20,000+ potential customers
generated on this consultation

+ 47% of visitors competition
models decide to participate

4700+ contacts generated and 58% of visitors to this page registered for the event

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