  • May 1, 2024

How to generate leads with Facebook and convert them into customers!

One of the main goals of a website is to bring traffic intended to generate leads with facebook. But what’s the point of having a website that doesn’t offer a return on your investment? There are numerous lead generation strategies geared towards commitment to your brand. Among others, the inbound marketing method, newsletters, and pop-ups are all excellent ways of converting your visitors.

The majority of businesses use social media to get the word out about their products and services, which is an excellent means of ensuring that your brand gets seen and people commit to it. However, it is harder to convert directly on a Facebook page, as visitors must typically leave the social network to navigate to your website.

Yet Facebook does nonetheless offer a range of products that enable lead generation. In fact, one of these tools proves to be particularly effective at bringing leads from Facebook directly to you.

In this article, you will learn how to generate leads directly on Facebook and convert them into customers with LeadFox.1. How to generate leads with Facebook

The form: The ultimate lead capture tool

Facebook allows you to create ads containing forms directly on the platform. That way, the different paths your lead must follow before sending you their information remain limited.

All they have to do is click on your ad for the form to appear. Depending on the contact info they have shared with Facebook, the fields within the form will be pre-populated and the information therein is ready to be sent directly to you. Using this simple method, everyone can get the information they’re looking for, and you can generate qualified leads for your business.

Why does it work?

  • Pre-populated forms stimulate conversion, because they speed up the process. People are more likely to finish filling out the form and to send it when they don’t have to fill out all of the fields.
  • With the targeting offered by Facebook, you need only to configure your settings so as to reach those who are likely to have a genuine interest in your products and services. All in all, you won’t waste any time going after people who don’t really match up with your persona, and you will generate sales leads that are more highly qualified, thus increasing your ROI on your advertising efforts.
  • You can customize your forms and add fields in order to gather other vital information and increase qualification within your lead generation process.
  • Facebook forms are already optimized for mobile, thus rendering them effective on all devices.
  • The information collected from leads generated through Facebook are automatically transfered to your CRM.

“We have used lead ads so that customers can obtain information on the BMW of their choice more easily and take it for a test drive. We have noticed a decrease of 56% in cost per lead thanks to Facebook lead ads, all whilst offering an enjoyable customer experience.” - Sandeep Grewal, Vizeum [1]

How to create your Facebook Lead Ad - 10 Best Practices

  • Choose the right bid: Facebook offers to do it automatically according to the budget established, or you can manually synchronize it according to the monetary value that you want to assign to each lead generated.
  • Install the Facebook pixel on your website in order to target, measure, and optimize your campaign results.
  • Figure out who to target: You can create customized audiences by selecting criteria used to define your personas. This allows you to specifically target the people you want to reach, according to demographics, age, gender, language, behavior, and interests. You can also create lookalike audiences in order to target audiences that are similar to your existing customers.
  • Creating an ad: To capture people’s attention as they scroll through their news feed, you should create memorable ads that evoke an emotional response, or that address your ideal client specifically by offering a solution to fit his or her biggest need.Whether you chose to use an image, a video, a slide show, or a carousel, be sure to implement an artistic design with a relevant tagline that won’t go unnoticed. Be original!Don’t forget to showcase your call to action button and make it stand out from the rest, because it is this famous button that will drive your leads to convert.
  • Adding a context map: It is possible, and optional, to add a page that more explicitly explains your offer and the exact content to which your leads are subscribing. This allows for better qualification of your leads and to give more information.
  • Why should people trust you? Always keep in mind that you are asking your leads to provide their personal information in your form. You should therefore pay attention to your brand’s image and exhibit credibility factors that will reinforce the connection between your lead and your company and establish a relationship based on trust.
  • Creating your form: To maximize lead capture, use a short form that asks for only key information. The more there is to fill out in the form, the higher your dropout rate will be. It will always be possible to get more info during follow-up.On the other hand, if you want qualify your leads as much as possible at the very beginning, then incorporate more questions.To optimize conversion rate, use closed-ended questions and multiple choice questions (3 or 4 responses) rather than open-ended questions. No one really wants to write paragraph after paragraph.
  • Optimizing your campaign: Every marketing tool simply must be optimized, tested, and improved as needed. Going back to #2, this is precisely the reason why you should install the Facebook pixel. As a consequence, you will know what types of people are more likely to fill out your form, and thus you can modify your targeting settings to better reach them.

As you optimize your campaigns, you can tweak numerous factors in order to improve your lead ads and forms, including bids, budget, audience size, targeting, creative content, and pixel placement.

  • Link your ads to your CRM: The second portion of this article will cover the importance of linking up your CRM, the method to use to do it, and the method for converting leads into customers with LeadFox :)
  • Measure your success: Through consistent testing and repetition, you will get the best results. Don’t make the mistake of simply creating an ad and letting it go live without optimizing it and measuring your results! Use the reports generated about your Facebook campaigns in your Facebook Ads Manager and your LeadFox CRM to measure your return on investment.

And voilà! You now know EVERYTHING about lead ads and forms in Facebook. I hope you are ready to increase your lead generation at an EXPONENTIAL rate! ;)

2. How to send your contacts in LeadFox and convert them into customers

In order to link up a list of leads generated through Facebook Ads to LeadFox, we’ll have to go through Zapier: our most recent integration.

Zapier is an application that allows you to link up various platforms automatically once configuration is complete. For starters, your platforms will of course need to be compatible with Zapier!The chain will thus be: Facebook Lead Ads -> Zapier -> LeadFox

Here’s a step-by-step guide on the process of linking up Facebook Ads and Zapier:

Once the connection is configured, you must be certain to then link Zapier to LeadFox.

Here’s a guide to help you with that.

Don't forget to grab your to test out the LeadFox integration! 

1. Make sure you’re logged in to Facebook Lead Ads with the “New Lead” action. Create a new action. 

 2. Look for “LeadFox”.

 3. Select “Create/Update Contact”

4. Link up your LeadFox account 

 5. Go to the LeadFox app to create an API key:

 6. Enter the domain: 

7. Copy and paste the key 

 8. Generate the passphrase and copy and paste it

9. PLEASE NOTE: Make sure you’ve tested it out on Facebook on the previous step.

This allows Zapier to read that information and to let you configure the template for all future subscribers 

10. Next, create a new contact.

It is important to pick values originating in Facebook in order to tell Zapier which data to capture for other leads

At this step, you may fill out as many contact properties as you need. We suggest that you push at least the name and the email address. The rest is up to you! 

11. Try out the 2nd step of your zap to ensure that everything is working properly. 

12. Add a step to your zap by once again selecting LeadFox.Now this time, we will add a contact to a list (the contact created during step #2!)

13. Next, you must fill out the fields as follows

  • “Owner” comes from “Owner ID”, created during step 2
  • “List” represents the list in which you would like to place your new contact
  • “Contact” comes from “Contact ID”, created during step 2


 14. Test out step #3 to ensure that everything is working properly

 15. Complete the zap by giving it a name and activating it. 

16. Test it out with a fake lead within a Facebook Lead Ad to ensure that everything is working properly.

For other simple tips designed to generate more leads for your website, check out this article!



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